Assimil - Le norvégien sans peine
(Audio: Norsk uten strev)
[Norwegian with Ease]

Assimil - Le norvégien sans peine (Audio: Norsk uten strev) [Norwegian with Ease]
Author: Françoise Liégaux Heide & T. Holta Heide
Publisher: Assimil
Publication date: 1997
Number of pages: 640
Format / Quality: mp3 (64 Kbps only, but rather decent quality)
Size: 102 Mb
Author: Françoise Liégaux Heide & T. Holta Heide
Publisher: Assimil
Publication date: 1997
Number of pages: 640
Format / Quality: mp3 (64 Kbps only, but rather decent quality)
Size: 102 Mb
This is the audio CD support only (Norsk uten strev) for the book in French (Le norvégien sans peine) and its German adaptation (Norwegisch ohne Mühe).
Please note the audio support is titled in Norwegian when it's sold separately, since it's the same Norwegian speaking only support for all books in different languages (only 2 for Norwegian). Assimil course in the "Collection Sans Peine" are always designed and written in French first, then adapted in a variable number of other languages (only 1 here: German).
As of now, there is no English adaptation (that would be titled: Norwegian with Ease).
Apprenez le "bokmål", la plus répandue des deux langues norvégiennes. Cette langue à la musicalité si particulière vous ouvrira les portes et les coeurs de ces Scandinaves si attachants. Nos 100 leçons, aux dialogues pleins d'humour, sont complétées par un appendice grammatical et deux lexiques qui vous seront une aide précieuse.
Learn "bokmål", the most widespread of the two Norwegian languages. This language, with such a special musicality, will open doors and hearts of those so endearing Scandinavians. Our 100 lessons, in dialogues full of humor, are supplemented by a grammatical appendix and two glossaries that will be very helpful.
Quote about the Assimil method:
A unique learning method: "Intuitive assimilation"
The "With Ease" series is Assimil's flagship collection. Available for more than 50 languages, these courses enable beginners to acquire an average vocabulary of between 2,000 and 3,000 words, to learn the basic grammar rules, and to gain a command of everyday conversation.
How did you learn to speak?
You probably don't even know. You listened to your parents, gradually understanding the meanings of sounds, words, then whole sentences, before you started making sounds, words and then whole sentences. Assimil applies this same natural process, adapting it to the aptitudes of teenagers and adults.
Two steps to learning:
The "Passive" phase
The first step is to familiarise yourself with the language by means of daily sessions lasting 20 to 30 minutes. You listen and read – and you understand what is being said, because a translation is provided.
You repeat sentences aloud to work on your pronunciation, with the help of phonetic pronunciation or, better still, recordings. This is a passive phase, during which you shouldn't try to construct sentences. Just immerse yourself in the language. Every seventh lesson reviews points covered in the six previous lessons and summarises the main grammar points learned during the week. Regular study is key to success.
The first two weeks are crucial; the rest will come naturally.
A ""With Ease"" course will make you fluent in everyday conversation, with a firm grasp of grammar and a sizeable vocabulary of around 2,000 words.
The "Active" phase
Once you've gained adequate passive knowledge – generally around the 50th lesson – the active phase begins. It takes place in parallel with your daily ""passive"" lessons. You start again at the beginning, studying one active and one passive lesson per day. The active phase consists quite simply in hiding the text of the target language and reproducing it, orally or in writing, on the basis of the French text. You'll be amazed at your results! During this second phase, you will be building sentences with ease. And this encourages you to go on and complete your course.
Method contents
A "With Ease" course is based on a source-book containing between 70 and 150 lessons, depending on the language studied. All courses include recordings, which are optional but highly recommended. Learning a language without hearing it is like learning the words of a song without the music. Made by professional actors, the recordings – available on cassette and CD – generally contain the full dialogue and exercises of each lesson."
Password: uztranslations
Please note the audio support is titled in Norwegian when it's sold separately, since it's the same Norwegian speaking only support for all books in different languages (only 2 for Norwegian). Assimil course in the "Collection Sans Peine" are always designed and written in French first, then adapted in a variable number of other languages (only 1 here: German).
As of now, there is no English adaptation (that would be titled: Norwegian with Ease).
Apprenez le "bokmål", la plus répandue des deux langues norvégiennes. Cette langue à la musicalité si particulière vous ouvrira les portes et les coeurs de ces Scandinaves si attachants. Nos 100 leçons, aux dialogues pleins d'humour, sont complétées par un appendice grammatical et deux lexiques qui vous seront une aide précieuse.
Learn "bokmål", the most widespread of the two Norwegian languages. This language, with such a special musicality, will open doors and hearts of those so endearing Scandinavians. Our 100 lessons, in dialogues full of humor, are supplemented by a grammatical appendix and two glossaries that will be very helpful.
Quote about the Assimil method:
A unique learning method: "Intuitive assimilation"
The "With Ease" series is Assimil's flagship collection. Available for more than 50 languages, these courses enable beginners to acquire an average vocabulary of between 2,000 and 3,000 words, to learn the basic grammar rules, and to gain a command of everyday conversation.
How did you learn to speak?
You probably don't even know. You listened to your parents, gradually understanding the meanings of sounds, words, then whole sentences, before you started making sounds, words and then whole sentences. Assimil applies this same natural process, adapting it to the aptitudes of teenagers and adults.
Two steps to learning:
The "Passive" phase
The first step is to familiarise yourself with the language by means of daily sessions lasting 20 to 30 minutes. You listen and read – and you understand what is being said, because a translation is provided.
You repeat sentences aloud to work on your pronunciation, with the help of phonetic pronunciation or, better still, recordings. This is a passive phase, during which you shouldn't try to construct sentences. Just immerse yourself in the language. Every seventh lesson reviews points covered in the six previous lessons and summarises the main grammar points learned during the week. Regular study is key to success.
The first two weeks are crucial; the rest will come naturally.
A ""With Ease"" course will make you fluent in everyday conversation, with a firm grasp of grammar and a sizeable vocabulary of around 2,000 words.
The "Active" phase
Once you've gained adequate passive knowledge – generally around the 50th lesson – the active phase begins. It takes place in parallel with your daily ""passive"" lessons. You start again at the beginning, studying one active and one passive lesson per day. The active phase consists quite simply in hiding the text of the target language and reproducing it, orally or in writing, on the basis of the French text. You'll be amazed at your results! During this second phase, you will be building sentences with ease. And this encourages you to go on and complete your course.
Method contents
A "With Ease" course is based on a source-book containing between 70 and 150 lessons, depending on the language studied. All courses include recordings, which are optional but highly recommended. Learning a language without hearing it is like learning the words of a song without the music. Made by professional actors, the recordings – available on cassette and CD – generally contain the full dialogue and exercises of each lesson."
Password: uztranslations