Friday, March 20, 2009

Communication Matters II: That’s Not What I Meant!

Communication Matters II: That’s Not What I Meant!

uthor: Professor Deborah Tannen
Publisher: TMS
File size: 305 MB
File type: MP3, Stereo

The following series of lectures draws on linguistics, or the scientific study of language, to show the many ways in which language has a profound effect upon human relationships. These lectures address the various aspects and implications of what Professor Tannen calls “conversational style.” It also looks at the dynamics of specific situations such as the workplace and classroom where the role of conversational style is of particular importance.

A person’s conversational style includes far more than the words that he or she speaks. Each conversation is composed of contextual cues, unspoken messages, body language, and the rhythms of speech. For the most part, people communicate without a conscious focus on the subtleties of language. Through this course, the complexities of language, and all that language entails, will become more apparent.

A better understanding of language, of how we communicate, and of how our ways of communicating differ based on who we are talking to should lead not only to a better understanding of ourselves and of those with whom we have relationships, but should also lead to improved communication. Our language shapes our lives in numerous, complex ways. These lectures help us to make sense of our language and will help to improve our relationships with friends, spouses, and coworkers.
Course Syllabus
Lecture 1 Conversational Style: The Power of Language in Your Life
Lecture 2 Linguistic Signals, Devices, and Rituals
Lecture 3 Framing and Reframing: How Metamessages Frame Meaning
Lecture 4 Power and Solidarity: The Interplay of Hierarchy and Connection
Lecture 5 Indirectness: The Ways and Whys We Communicate Meaning Not in So Many Words
Lecture 6 The Rhythms of Talk: Pacing, Pausing, Silence, and Interruption
Lecture 7 Listenership: Conversation as a Joint Production
Lecture 8 Agonism: Programmed Contentiousness, Ritualized Opposition
Lecture 9 Gender: Women and Men Talking
Lecture 10 Apologies in Private and Public Contexts
Lecture 11 Talking at Work: Institutional and Interactional Power
Lecture 12 The Classroom: Talking in School
Lecture 13 Politics: Talk in the Public Arena
Lecture 14 What to Do with What You’ve Learned


---AUDIO 305 MB, mp3 44 kHz, 96 kbps, Mono
Links to Zshare
that_not_meant.part1.rar - 50.00MB
that_not_meant.part2.rar - 50.00MB
that_not_meant.part3.rar - 50.00MB
that_not_meant.part4.rar - 50.00MB
that_not_meant.part5.rar - 50.00MB
that_not_meant.part6.rar - 50.00MB
that_not_meant.part7.rar - 6.10MB

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