Clear Speech Student's Book:
Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension
in North American English
3rd Edition

Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension
in North American English
3rd Edition

Clear Speech Student's Book: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English, 3rd Edition
Author: Judy B. Gilbert
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 2004
ISBN: 0521543545
Number of pages: 192
Format / Quality: rar -> mp3 + pdf
Size: 72,5 Mb
A revised and expanded version of the highly successful and innovative pronunciation text for intermediate to high-intermediate students of North American English. The Clear Speech, Third Edition, Student's Book provides learners with visual representations of important pronunciation features, such as voicing and syllable length. It features a reordered table of contents, a greater emphasis on listening recognition, and more coverage of vowel sounds. It also contains a Student Audio CD, so students can practice manLanguages Coursesy of the exercises on their own.
Author: Judy B. Gilbert
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 2004
ISBN: 0521543545
Number of pages: 192
Format / Quality: rar -> mp3 + pdf
Size: 72,5 Mb
A revised and expanded version of the highly successful and innovative pronunciation text for intermediate to high-intermediate students of North American English. The Clear Speech, Third Edition, Student's Book provides learners with visual representations of important pronunciation features, such as voicing and syllable length. It features a reordered table of contents, a greater emphasis on listening recognition, and more coverage of vowel sounds. It also contains a Student Audio CD, so students can practice manLanguages Coursesy of the exercises on their own.