Sunday, January 25, 2009

Phrasal verbs - mp3 (Audio with tape script)

Phrasal verbs - mp3 (Audio with tape script)

Author: Audiokursy
Publisher: Audiokursy
Prasal verbs - mp3
level: intermediate, advanced

Age group, youth, adults

The course is great for self-studying, listening of phrasal verbs. The purpose of this course is to learn and remember the most common phrasal

verbs in everyday conversations and written texts, and in tests and exams: FCE, CAE

Course material "Phrasal verbs" Part 1 - 12 lessons, with following prepositions: out, off, through, into, over, up, down, away, on, back. Learning takes place through the importance of the context - a lesson in every story and the creation of separate sentences by the reader.

"Phrasal verbs" Part 2 - each with 16 lessons present phrasal verbs with the following verbs: take, get, turn, break, look, bring, come, give, cut, put, run, grow, set, carry, go, make. All these verbs are recorded in English with the Polish translation, a set of exercises in each lesson to learn quickly and fix them. This effective learning, easy and accessible for everyone.

Note on content concerning the used language:
Suitable also for NON-POLISH USERS! With tape script for the texts also in English language! The manual for the "lrc" files (which are necessary for the karaoke section only!) are in polish only!

1) Phrasal verbs 1 MB
2) Lessons with translation 1.9 MB
3) Exercises with a pause for repeating 1.7 MB

(all files in RAR, 93 MB - unrared 255 MB)
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