Teach Yourself Swedish Conversation (3CDs + Guide)

Teach Yourself Swedish Conversation (3CDs + Guide)
Author: Regina Harkin
Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition
Publication date: April 18, 2007
ISBN: 0071485058
Language: English/Swedish
Format: pdf+ogg->rar
Size: 162MB
Author: Regina Harkin
Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition
Publication date: April 18, 2007
ISBN: 0071485058
Language: English/Swedish
Format: pdf+ogg->rar
Size: 162MB
This stand-alone, all-audio course can be used by those who have little or no knowledge of the language, by those who want to learn or brush up basic conversation skills, and by more advanced learners who require extra audio material to complement their current courses.
The ten units or 'conversations' cover the situations you are most likely to find yourself in while on holiday or on business abroad. They are divided into two parts, with a dialogue in each part. The dialogue in Part 2 reuses the vocabulary and phrases from Part 1 in a slightly different context. Both parts start with an introduction to the words and phrases you'll need, followed by the dialogue. Finally it's 'Over to you': you take part in the same dialogues following the English prompts, playing all the roles in turn. So you get lots of opportunity to practise! Frequent track markers divide the CDs up into short, easy-to-use clips.
Vocabulary and phrases in the first two CDs are kept to the basics and are introduced gradually with lots of opportunity to repeat and practise, to improve your confidence in both speaking and understanding. The third CD concentrates on helping you improve your understanding, so that you will be able to hold two-way conversations with people who speak very fast or use words and phrases you do not know.
The course comes on three 75-minute CDs and has an accompanying 48-page booklet which gives the dialogues and the translations of the dialogues, for those who like to see the written word or want additional practice. The booklet also provides a basic glossary of the words and phrases used.
This is the perfect complement to 'Teach Yourself Swedish'.Table of Contents:
- ALL-AUDIO COURSE – use anywhere, any time
- TEN REALISTIC CONVERSATION SCENARIOS – the words and phrases you'll need in 20 everyday dialogues
- EASY ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR – make progress fast, without learning boring rules or unnecessary vocabulary
- HELP IN UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS SAID BACK TO YOU - strategies for understanding what you hear, so you can have true, two-way conversations and not be thrown by the replies you get
1/1 An interview
1/2 The interview continues
2/1 Booking a room
2/2 Booking into a hotel
3/1 Having a coffee
3/2 Having a meal
4/1 Taking a taxi
4/2 Travelling by bus and subway
5/1 Going to the supermarket
5/2 Buying clothes
6/1 Going to a fun fair (Gröna Lund)
6/2 Taking a boat trip (to the archipelago)
7/1 Going to the swimming pool
7/2 A chat in the sauna
8/1 Asking for directions to the pharmacy
8/2 Asking for directions to a good restaurant
9/1 Going to a night club
9/2 Making plans to meet
10/1 Being invited to a friend’s house
10/2 A dinner conversation
About the Author(s):
Regina Harkin is a qualified secondary level teacher with an MA in Swedish, English and Swedish as a second language. She teaches Swedish at Trinity College of Dublin and at the Swedish School, in a proect funded by the Swedish government. Regina has also worked as a translator, working for Microsoft, Dublin translating English software into Swedish.
self-access adult learners
"I am a big fan of this series. Commercial packaging, simple concept and a competitive price make these well worth trying....One to watch."