Thursday, December 11, 2008 - Learn Spanish on Your Terms - Learn Spanish on Your Terms

SpanishPod - Learn Spanish on Your Terms, Podcasts 1-275
Author: John Patrick Villanueva, Liliana Mata, Estibalitz Gete Moreno, Jorge Leonardo Guerrero Vargas
Publisher: Praxis Language Ltd.
Publication date: 14.11.2008
Format / Quality: MP3 (32kbps 11kHz Mono), PDF, SWF
Size: 809 MB

SpanishPod is a language training service designed around your needs, rather than the traditional constraints of language schools and publishers. Technology solves these problems, and can make the learning of a new language easier.
We take the best pedagogical approaches of the classroom, layer in the community features of the social web, and tailor a customized learning pathway for each student.

SpanishPod Newbie
Duration: 12h 08m 00s
If you're brand new to Spanish, this is the level for you. Newbie lessons are given in English, and when we introduce Spanish there is plenty of clear repetition. The dialogues are repeated three times, are translated, and then analyzed. Basic phrases and expressions used for courtesy and travel are emphasized, along with grammatical support for communication in the immediate present.

SpanishPod Elementary
Duration: 15h 42m 04s
In the Elementary level we’ll hear how to discuss events that happened in the present and past, and how to express opinions and preferences. This level features longer dialogues, more elements of grammar, and a wider range of everyday applications than the Newbie lessons. The hosts give a thorough treatment of lesson content, including grammar structures and pronunciation.

SpanishPod Intermediate
Duration: 8h 56m 47s
If you’re comfortably understanding the Elementary lessons, you're ready for Intermediate. At this level, we’ll begin to narrate events more precisely in the past, present, and future. In these lessons the hosts speak almost entirely in Spanish, with key explanations in English.

SpanishPod Upper Intermediate
Duration: 8h 46m 45s
At the Upper Intermediate level we’ll show you how to add conjecture and conditionality to your speech. By this level, you should be comfortable speaking in the past, present, and future, so you’re ready to practice the dreaded Spanish subjunctive mood. We’ll be speaking primarily in Spanish, and shifting back to English for the occasional vocabulary item.

SpanishPod Advanced
Duration: 7h 39m 24s
Advanced lessons focus on introducing specialized vocabulary, practicing problematic grammatical features, and lively Spanish language discussion. The lessons are conducted entirely in Spanish, including explanations of grammar and vocabulary. They also feature more use of idioms than the lower levels.

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