Harrap's Michel Thomas Anglais Debutant - Methode Audio

Harrap's Michel Thomas Anglais Débutant - Methode Audio
Author: Collectif
Publisher: Chambers Harrap Pub. Ltd
Publication date: 2007-03-21
ISBN: 0245507817
Format / Quality: Format: .mp3 Quality: good
Size: 7 cds - 71-78 Mb each
A course, helping French-speaking people to learn English by the Michel Thomas methode.
Personally, I've used it after the Michel Thomas's French Foundation course and some French Advanced course, and it helped a lot to get used to the language and stop feeling numb every time I heard live French.
Author: Collectif
Publisher: Chambers Harrap Pub. Ltd
Publication date: 2007-03-21
ISBN: 0245507817
Format / Quality: Format: .mp3 Quality: good
Size: 7 cds - 71-78 Mb each
A course, helping French-speaking people to learn English by the Michel Thomas methode.
Personally, I've used it after the Michel Thomas's French Foundation course and some French Advanced course, and it helped a lot to get used to the language and stop feeling numb every time I heard live French.