Sunday, December 7, 2008

Assimil New Dutch with Ease

Assimil New Dutch with Ease

Assimil New Dutch with Ease
Format: pdf, mp3
Quality: book - 1st half - readable, 2nd - very good; mp3 - 128 kbps
Pages: 413
Size: 40 + 67 + 65
Language: English

Nine reasons why Assimil will help you succeed:

1] Method Usable by all Learners - Courses are suitable for all learners from true beginners to those who already have a working knowledge of Dutch.
2] Practical and Enjoyable - Short and enjoyable lessons based on topics selected for their relevance. Lessons, exercises and grammar are presented in a single book.
3] Complete Language Course - The Assimil method is serious and exceptionally complete. In just several months, you will reach a normal conversational level.
4] No Rote Learning of Vocabulary or Grammar - Light-hearted dialogues presented in the form of varied and useful sketches.
5] Quality Recordings - Recordings are initially slow and gradually build up to conversational speed. All dialogues are recorded by native speakers in Europe.
6] Basic Conversation Mastered - You will have mastered some 2,000 useful and practical words.
7] Permanent Progress Auto-Check - Using the auto-check exercises and course principles, you can constantly check progress in both vocabulary and grammar.
8] Ideal to help Students Keep Up - With just 30 minutes a day, high school and college students make spectacular progress.


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